Crime Stats: Lt. John Willner, CPD


Recently, the Department created a series of publications entitled “Crime at a Glance” that provide a wealth of information at the District and Beat level. Data included in these reports include a 10.5 year summary of index crimes at the District level, a 4 year summary of index crimes at the Beat level, and citywide murder data for the first six months of 2010. A publication has been prepared for each District. Follow these directions to access this report:INTERNET:

Go to:
[Editor’s note:  The 2010 report is here. ]

The sixth link from the top on the left side of the page entitled “Crime at a Glance” will bring you to a folder containing two links: “Crime at a Glance 2009” and “Crime at a Glance 2010 by District.”

The “Crime at a Glance 2010 by District” link will take you to a folder containing separate links for all of the reports – one for each of the 25 Districts. This report will provide you with a historical look at the crime in our district and how successful our efforts have been at addressing these crime conditions.

Please forward this information to your friends and contacts who may find this information useful. Since information is available for all 25 police districts, everyone can see the crime summary for their residence area, not just our district.

If you have received this information as a forwarded email and would like to receive the 19th district emails directly, please respond directly to me at the email address below, including your name, home address, home phone number and email address and you will be added to the district email list and receive all future district emails.


Lt. John E. Willner
District 019
2452 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, Il. 60618

312 744 5574 Office
312 744 3103 Fax