Rally To Restore the #11 Bus

If you can make it, please come to the Rally to Restore the #11 Bus.

 Monday November 17 at 6pm
CTA Headquarters
567 W. Lake Street

From our friends at Alderman Pawar’s office:

As you may have read in the Sun-Times, Alderman Pawar is as committed to the #11 as he was when he asked the CTA Board to reconsider cancelling this important bus route. http://politics.suntimes.com/article/chicago/ald-ameya-pawar-fight-restore-no-11-lincoln-bus/mon-10272014-844pm

We are continuing to push the CTA to restore the #11 bus service from Fullerton to the Western Brown Line. I am writing to ask that you please write a letter to the CTA expressing your support to bring back the bus. Please state how and why you believe the loss of the bus has impacted our neighborhood, your neighbors and businesses. If you know others who have been negatively impacted by this, please ask them for a letter of support, as well.

Please provide us with your letter of support by Monday November 10, and the Alderman will bring them to the November CTA Board meeting with him. If you or members, friends or neighbors want to join him at this important meeting here are the particulars:

Monday, November 17, 6pm
CTA Headquarters
567 W. Lake Street

If you have questions, suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me.


Dära Salk
Community Outreach Director
Alderman Ameya Pawar – Ward 47
4243 N Lincoln Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618
Phone: 773-868-4747
Fax: 773-549-4757
E-mail: dara@chicago47.org