March 13 Meeting pre-announcement

Save the date: Tuesday, March 13.

Meeting agenda (tentative):

  • Temple Bar outdoor seating. (Yes, they’re coming back.)
  • 1357-59 W. Barry zoning issue
  • 1214 W. Fletcher zoning issue.
  • 3 Democratic challengers to Mike Quigley will drop in: Ben Wolf, Steve Schwartzenberg, and Sameena Mustafa.

And in April….

Homework: The April meeting will begin a discussion on a proposal from the Lakeview Chamber to make Lincoln from Belmont to Diversey a Designated Pedestrian Street. You can read the ordinance at…/…/Pedestrian-Street-Zoning.pdf. Pedestrian Street Designations have a major impact on density, especially as it relates to Transit Oriented Development.