Survey Results Lincoln/Belmont/Ashland

Thanks to those who participated in our non-scientific survey about the changes taking place at the Lincoln / Belmont / Ashland intersection.


  1. No left turn on Lincoln – In favor 32%, Against 68%;
  2. Narrowing of intersection –
    at Lincoln – In favor 38%, Against 62%
    at Ashland – in favor 45%, Against 55%;
  3. On Lincoln Ave. do you prefer
    Dotted yellow center line and bike lines- 54%;
    Dotted yellow center line only – 19%,
    Bike lane lines only – 10%,
    Neither, no lines at all 17% ;
  4. No hairpin right turn from Ashland to Lincoln – In favor 69%, Against – 31% ;
  5. Delayed left turn arrow on Ashland, In favor- 93%, Against 7% ;
  6. Use of temporary bollards – In favor 35%, Against 65% ;
  7. Eliminate some parking spots on Lincoln near the intersection to allow for lining up for right hand turns – In favor 79% Against 21%.