October 20 Meeting Audio: Rep. Mike Quigley and State Rep. Anne Williams

The topics included the national and state economy, COVID, foreign election interference, the importance of flu shots, and the Fair Tax proposal on the state ballot. And, both candidates remind everyone to vote!

Selected items from the chatstream:

19:21:43 From Lauryn Schmelzer : Rep. Ann Williams’ Office:
Office Phone Number: 773-880-9082
Chief of Staff: Lauryn Schmelzer – lauryn@repannwilliams.com
19:32:41 From Lauryn Schmelzer : State of Illinois FY 2021 Budget Highlights:
19:32:48 From Lauryn Schmelzer : https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/budget/Documents/Budget%20Book/FY2021-Budget-Book/21665-Fiscal_Year_2021_Budget_Highlights.pdf
19:48:41 From F : https://www.illinoispolicy.org/reports/too-much-government-illinois-thousands-of-local-governments/
19:52:19 From JoAnn Becker : There needs to be a list (name, purpose, annual budget, # employees & consultants, year created, etc.) to be developed of every governmental entity in the state, regardless of the governmental level – to include cities, villages, counties, state, etc. – then people could see duplications. Illinois has over 1500 additional entities than the next state.
19:55:37 From Lauryn Schmelzer : Flu shot event that our office is co-hosting:
19:55:39 From Lauryn Schmelzer : https://forms.gle/EvR6EtSsa4uiXsfE9