November 17th Meeting Announcement & Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving!

The meeting:

Lakeview Chamber’s Executive Director Dillon Goodson and his staff at the Chamber will present topics of interest to the community. Some topics on the agenda:

  • Business closings / new openings
  • Covid-19 Pandemic effect going forward on the neighborhood business environment.
  • Pedestrian Street Designation for Lincoln Ave. and its effect on future retail and development.
  • Events scheduled for the upcoming Holiday Season.
  • Lincoln Hub (Lincoln/Southport/Wellington) and Lincoln/Belmont/Ashland are temporary traffic adjustments.
    Will they ever become permanent?
    Can they still be adjusted based on neighborhood input?

Join the meeting via Zoom:

Nov 17, 2020 6:45 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting starts at 7:00.

Join the meeting:

If you don’t have a Zoom capable device, dial in at (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 819 3610 4396
Passcode: 604434

At the October meeting:

Thank you to Congressperson Mike Quigley and State Rep Ann Williams for speaking at our Oct. 17 Zoom meeting. Both spoke about the impact of the pandemic, its effects on individuals and businesses and the need for government assistance to states, cities, businesses and individuals. Hopefully, it is coming sooner than later

Read more in the newsletter.