If you live in the South Lakeview area, we’d like you to join. What are the benefits of South Lakeview Neighbors membership?
- Join a community organization with over 50 years of neighborhood service
- Make a personal investment in your community
- Have a bigger voice with your alderman
- Receive a regular neighborhood newsletter
- Vote on zoning changes, liquor licenses, sidewalk cafes, and other community issues
- Participate in political candidates’ forums and face-to-face debates
- Involve yourself in South Lakeview Neighbor’s Playlot Committee
- Participate in safety educational sessions with the Chicago Police Department
- See area school representatives talk about their programs
- Attend parties with your family and neighbors
Click for a review of some accomplishments. Please note that you must live within the official SLN boundaries to become a member.
You may pay via a secure credit card transaction or use this form to pay later by check or in cash.
Please print this page, fill in the blanks, and mail it to us at the address below or bring it to the next meeting.
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ Membership for one year: $10.00 per person ________ Donation for newsletter postage: ___________ This is a ___ New / ____ Renewal membership
Note: SLN membership dues are due September 1 and are valid through the following August. Verification of address is required before the first vote. Verification may include a picture ID with address, driver’s license, phone bill, etc.
Mail to:
South Lakeview Neighbors
1521 W. Wellington Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657
Please make checks payable to: South Lakeview Neighbors