SLN Lincoln Hub Survey Results

As noted at the meeting, we asked people to rate two questions on a 10 point scale (where 1 is total dismissal of the idea and 10 is absolute, enthusiastic support) and to provide comments.

Support traffic calming (scale of 1-10)

Support the Hub (scale of 1-10)


All Responses



SLN Members



Non Members



Thanks to everyone who particpated.View the SLN Lincoln Hub Survey Results

As an organization, we’ll do our best to  ensure that the future of the intersection is handled through well-advertised and, one hopes, well-attended public fora.

Feel free to comment below!

October 13 Meeting


Fall, a season of hope and renewal!  And with that, a real treat of an SLN meeting on October 13. Sure, you might miss part of the Democratic candidates debate, but let’s get real and get local.
Athenaeum Theater
2936 N. Southport

7:00PM – Doors open
7:30PM – Meeting begins


  • S&G Restaurant – liquor license request

  • State Rep. Ann Williams

  • U.S. Congressman Mike Quigley

  • Lincoln/Southport/Wellington intersection (Lincoln Hub aka Polka Dot Park) discussion and results of Survey

S & G Restaurant – liquor license request

The owners of S&G (the Boudouvas Family) are requesting a liquor license in order to serve beer and wine with their dinners. This is a special situation as the restaurant lies within a certain distance of the St. Alphonsus Church and the Alphonsus Academy school. This required the business to go through the State of Illinois to obtain permission for the city to decide on a liquor license.

State Representive – Ann Williams

State Rep. Williams will give an update on current legislation and her views on the stalemate that is occurring in the fine State of Illinois government.

US Congressman – Mike Quigley

As Congress is currently not in session, Mr. Quigley contacted SLN to request an opportunity to address the SLN membership on Washington D.C. happenings.

Lincoln/Southport/Wellington intersection – Lincoln Hub aka Polka Dot Park: discussion and survey results

The installation of the traffic calming-people space was presented and discussed at the May 2015 SLN Membership Meeting.

At that meeting, though the comments were overwhelmingly negative, SLN felt that a more complete discussion should wait until the configuration could be finally altered based on SSA 27 observations and the neighborhood had a few months to hone their opinion.

SLN will flyer the membership boundaries prior to the October meeting requesting that neighbors respond by email as to whether they are in favor or opposed to the current configuration. Those attending the monthly membership meeting will able to present their opinions and also respond to the Survey in person.

If you have not filled out our survey, please do so soon. We’ll be tallying the results, culling the best comments, etc. on Monday. The survey can be found at

Member Socializing – 7:00 to 7:30 in the Athenaeum Lobby.

The Athenaeum opens its bar for members to purchase some beer, wine or pop before the start of the monthly meeting. Come a little earlier to the meeting for some member socializing. Your purchase helps support the operations of The Athenaeum Theatre.

What happened at the September meeting?

You’ll find that in the October newsletter!

Lincoln Hub public survey

SurveyIcon-800pxLincoln Hubsters: We’ll be discussing the Lincoln Hub at the meeting on October 13. In advance of that meeting, we’d like to get your opinions on the project. Please take our survey:

The topics for October 13 are:

  1. S&G Liquor License plans
  2. Congressman Mike Quigley
  3. State Rep Ann Williams
  4. Lincoln Hub discussion

Coffee & Donuts in the Park: Chi Che Wang Park

Sunday, September 27th
9 am – 11 am

Chi Che Wang Park
Hermitage and Wolfram

Join the Chi Che Wang Park Advisory Council on September 27th for coffee and donuts in the park.

Bring the kids to play, meet your neighbors and view renderings of potential park improvements.

This is the first of many events hosted by the Council.  Council members will be available to answer questions.  Your involvement is critical to the success of our community improvement project and donations are greatly appreciated!

For more information, visit: