
October 18th Meeting and Newsletter

Our next meeting will be in via ZOOM Tuesday, October 18, 2021Meeting begins promptly at 7:00 PM Please RENEW your membership for the 2022-2023 season. You must be a PAID MEMBER in order to VOTE on the NEIGHBORHOOD ISSUES. Go to the SLN website at www.slneighbors.org for easy and convenient renewal process, or renew in-person […]

September 13 Meeting and Newsletter

Our next meeting will be in person Tuesday, September 13, 2021Athenaeum Theatre*** in the NEW EVENT CENTER ***Doors open at 6:30 PMMeeting begins at 7:00 PM Please RENEW your membership for the 2022-2023 season. You must be a PAID MEMBER in order to VOTE on the NEIGHBORHOOD ISSUES. Go to the SLN website at www.slneighbors.org […]

March 1 Meeting & Newsletter

The March membership meeting will be on Zoom. We hope to be back to in-person meetings in April. Join the Zoom Meeting Tuesday, March 1, 7:00 PM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85248935306?pwd=cjkxcmJhQVFoS2o0c1V6cTUzbTVoQT09Meeting ID: 852 4893 5306Passcode: 283465 If you prefer to join by phone:One tap mobile+13126266799,,85248935306#,,,,*283465# US (Chicago)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting Preview State Senator Sara FeigenholtzThis will […]