Happy Valentine’s Day (and Meeting Notice and Newsletter)

Meeting Preview

Athenaeum Theater
2936 N. Southport

6:30 PM – Doors open
7:00 PM – Meeting begins


  1. Zoning change – 3015 N. Southport (parking lot behind Herdegan Funeral Home)

  2. 32nd Ward update: Recycling Ordinance / bag tax / water tax and other issues

  3. Valentine’s Day Raffle

3015 N. Southport – Zoning change

Click to Enlarge

This is the Herdegan Funeral Home parking lot north of the alley. Zoned commercial B-2-3. The owners are looking for a zoning upgrade in order to build a 5 story building. No commercial/retail on the first floor. 9 units of rental or condo units on floors 2-3-4. 15 parking spots in the back and 6 parking spots along the alley at ground level. The building would be 4 feet higher than the condo building directly to the north.

This is a voting issue. The immediate area will be flyered.

32 Ward Office to speak on Several Topics

Paul Sajovec, Alderman Waguespack’s Chief of Staff, and Pedro Borrero, 32nd Ward Streets and San., will address the membership on a variety of new 2017 issues affecting our fine citizens including but not limited to:

  • New Recycling Ordinance

  • Bag tax

  • Water tax

  • Property taxes (enough with the taxes)

  • Arrest expungement

  • Decriminalization of marijuana

Valentine’s Day

This is not the first time that the 2nd Tuesday of the month has fallen on Valentine’s Day. However, it appears to me that most of the people at the meetings are either unattached or their wife does not care to spend quality neighborhood time with their husband who dresses like bum. So come to the February meeting, have a pre-meeting drink, keep your eyes and ears open and you may find yourself closing the Lincoln Tap at 2AM and calling into work sick on Wednesday.

Free raffle of a bottle of wine for attendees at the Valentine’s Day meeting.


What happened at the January meeting? What’s up in the neighborhood? What did our reviewer think about his meal at Farm Bar?  Yes, it’s all in the February newsletter!