It sure looks like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. At the time of this post, vaccination in the U.S. has crossed the 50% mark. With that in mind, we’re planning on a return to in-person meetings in the fall. Our first is scheduled for September 7, 2021 at the Athenaeum Theatre. Nothing’s final yet. The one item on that agenda, so far, will be a vote for SLN’s officers and directors, which requires a secret ballot. Watch this space for more as it develops. You’ll also note that the meeting date is the first, not second, Tuesday of the month.
At the May, 2021 meeting (the audio and chat log of which is available), Cook County Commissioner Bridget Degnan brought us up to date on developments in county government. The main focus of the May meeting was a discussion and vote on the development of 18 single family homes on currently vacant land at Wolfram and Paulina. You’ll find details of the proposal and the results of the vote in our Summer Newsletter.
Have a great summer. Please read the Newsletter, remember to renew your SLN membership, and don”t forget to support our advertisers.