Saturday 4/18 is Neighborhood Clean-Up Day


3rd Annual South Lakeview Neighbors Neighborhood Clean-up

Cleaning South Lakeview Since 2013!

Pick up paper litter on parkways for your block only.

Meet or start at the East end of your Block.

Time commitment takes about 1 hour.

Post Clean-up Social hour at Side Street Saloon located at George St. and Greenview at NOON sharp.

Drinks compliments of SLN.

Contact Bill Haderlein with the Block you will be covering.

Work to begin at Southport, Wellington & Lincoln

the lincoln crossingFrom our friends at SSA 27

Neighbors at Lincoln/Southport/Wellington:

Spring is here and we are ready to go with the Lincoln Avenue Placemaking Project, as promised when we delayed this project in the fall. Please review the information below about this work beginning April 20 in your area. We’ll appreciate your patience during the work, and we are very excited about the energy this project will add to the corner when completed! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about work impacts.
Lincoln Avenue Placemaking Construction Project
Start Date: April 20, 2015
Completion Date: Around May 22, 2015 (weather cooperating)
Location: Most of the work activity will be at the Lincoln Hub (Lincoln/Southport/Wellington intersection).
Work Description: The work will consist of installing bollards at the intersection, installing benches along Lincoln Avenue, and painting street and sidewalk surfaces.
Work Impacts:
  • Some parking restrictions for work vehicles
  • Traffic control while workers are in the street (there will be no street closures, but expect slower traffic during the work)
  • Sidewalks will be disrupted during painting, however, our contractors will work in sections to maintain pedestrian paths and access on all sidewalks (we will not be closing sidewalks)
As a refresher on the plan for the Lincoln Hub at Lincoln/Wellington/Southport: the installation will combine traffic calming and colorful public art to create a memorable focal point for the Lincoln Avenue corridor. It will include a modern oriental-rug-inspired art installation painted on the street and sidewalk surface, painted curb extensions to create additional pedestrian space at the corners and to shorten the crosswalk distances, and new public seating and landscaping. You can read a refresher about the project with more visuals here:

Lee Crandell
SSA 27 Program Director
Lakeview Chamber of Commerce
1409 W. Addison
Chicago, IL 60613
Office: 773.472.7171 x1005
Fax: 773.472.0198

April 14 Meeting Agenda

sweet-homeOur next meeting is

Tuesday, April 14
Athenaeum Theater
2936 N. Southport

Doors open at 7:00 PM, meeting begins at 7:30

  1. If we have a quorum, a vote on the bylaws change postponed from last month.
  2. The owners of Farm House Chicago, Farm House Evanston and Brown Dog Farm have purchased the bar at Wellington and Lakewood (the former Wellington’s) and will be opening Farm Bar restaurant. They’ll tell us about their plans for that space.
  3. There’s been discussion on our Facebook page regarding increased noise from Wrigley Field. We’d like to take few minutes to get a sense of the neighborhood on this. If there is a widespread issue, then we’ll see what we can do between this meeting and the next.
  4. You should have just received your latest assessment. Now that you’ve had a chance to take a deep breath, Andrea Raila will speak to us about how to appeal your assessment. This will go well beyond just how to fill out the forms. She’ll talk about the specific things you need to do for a successful appeal. There will be time for questions. You can read about her at

March 10 Meeting

Tuesday, March 10


Map via

Athenaeum Theater
2936 N. Southport

Doors open at 7:00
Meeting begins at 7:30


  1. Lakeview Chamber of Commerce – Neighbor development update

  2. SLN By-law change

Lakeview Chamber of Commerce

Ms. Heather Way, Executive Director of the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce will update the membership on things going on in the local business world. Topics could include what is being built at Lincoln / Belmont / Ashland, beautification of the intersection at Lincoln / Wellington/ Southport and the entire strip of Lincoln from Belmont to Diversey, new businesses, retail spaces being rehabbed, vacant stores and LBA traffic studies.

SLN bylaw changes:  Include committee members in Officer & Directory Insurance

For years, most committee members have also been officers and directors of SLN. However, in recent years, some committee members and chairpersons are not on the Board and want to make sure they will be insured under SLN’s Director and Officers Insurance.  Changes in bylaws require a membership vote.

Read the SLN Newsletter

The March Newsletter is here.