November 14 Meeting Notice and Newsletter

wild turkey

As we head out into the oncoming Winter, fortified only by Halloween candy, we shall meet again via ZOOM for our next monthly meeting.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM sharp


State Senator Sara Feigenholtz and State Representative Ann Williams
Fresh from there convincing November 8 election victories, State Sen. Sara Feigenholtz and State Rep. Ann Williams will address the membership regarding the controversial SAFE-T Act Crime Bill on its main points and the misconceptions that were being spread during the November elections on TV, radio and other media.

At the October Meeting

The October 2022 ZOOM Meeting had to be cancelled, due to a start time miscommunication with the scheduled speaker. Sorry. We are doing the best we can. You are welcome.

Read more in the newsletter.

Other items of note

Neighborhood Development and Review Committee (NDRC) is recruiting Committee Members
The NDRC is the most visible Committee of SLN. Working with Alderman Waguespack, the NDRC receives building zoning requests from the Alderman and reviews, suggests revisions and then recommends an approval or a rejection of the zoning change before the issue is brought to the SLN membership for a vote. This process has helped ensure that quality zoning change requests are being presented in our SLN neighborhood. The NDRC is looking to expand the Committee. The NDRC deals with very experienced developers, attorneys and architects, so some qualifications in dealing in those areas would be helpful. Contact SLN at our email address: with some information about yourself if you are interested. NOTE – you must be a SLN member for at least one year to qualify for a Committee position.

ZOOM link for October 18, 2022 Meeting

Our next meeting will be in via ZOOM

Tuesday, October 18, 2021
Meeting begins promptly at 7:00 PM

South Lakeview Neighbors is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Virtual Meeting with Sara Feigenholtz discussing the SAFE-T act.
Time: Oct 18, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 943 5056 0169
Passcode: SLNoctober

October 18th Meeting and Newsletter

Our next meeting will be in via ZOOM

Tuesday, October 18, 2021
Meeting begins promptly at 7:00 PM

Please RENEW your membership for the 2022-2023 season. You must be a PAID MEMBER in order to VOTE on the NEIGHBORHOOD ISSUES. Go to the SLN website at for easy and convenient renewal process, or renew in-person at the meeting on the 13th.


State Sen. Sara Feigenholtz – to address issues regarding the New SAFE-T Act Crime Bill.

The controversial Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today Act (SAFE-T) is effective January 1,2023. The State Senator will address the membership as to the major changes that SAFE-T Act will cause, and the misconceptions being reported on TV and in print.

Read more in the newsletter!

  • The President’s Letter
  • Ann Sychowski, long time SLN Treasurer, retires
  • Meeting Preview
  • Neighborhood News and Information

October 11th meeting being rescheduled

Due to scheduling issues, we need to reschedule the meeting set for next week, October 11th. There will be a meeting on Tuesday, October 18th, via ZOOM.

You can use the QR code, below, to connect to the meeting, or keep an eye on for information about how to connect to this meeting via ZOOM. The October newsletter will be going out soon. You now have a free evening!