19th District Closing

From Lt. John Willner:

Last week the Chicago Police Department informed members of the 19th District that 03 March 2012 will be the last day the current 19th district facility will be used by the officers who patrol this area.

Beginning on 04 March 2012, all police matters that involve the 19th district will be addressed at the police station located at 850 W. Addison. This facility will be the home of the newly redistricted 19th district that will include both the former 19th district and the 23rd district. This will result in one police district with the following boundaries: Continue reading

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Location: Basement – St.Alphonsus Church
1429 W. Wellington
Agenda: Coffee @ 7:00 PM. Meeting begins @ 7:30 PM.

“By coincidence, our regular February meeting falls on Valentine’s Day this year, a once in seven years occurrence more or less. While most of our members may be a bit beyond the age of romantic love (should I speak for myself?), we must be solicitous of those who play into the hands of the flowers-and-chocolates-industries. So we have scheduled a type of “political speed dating” for the  meeting: a forum between the two candidates for 32nd ward Democratic committeeman: Ald. Scott Waguespack (the challenger) and County Commissioner John Fritchey (the incumbent). You get to decide whom you want a second date with. And to show that we are truly equal opportunity, we’ve asked the unopposed Republican candidate John Curry to add his 2 cents worth.” — David Duggan, SLN President

Also at the meeting, the Alderman or a representative from the Alderman’s office will explain the recently passed redistricting as a result of the 2010 Census.

What’s happened since the last meeting in November? Check the newsletter.

Ward Remap Passed

The City Council passed the ward remap today.  You can read the ordinance and view the official map on the PDF attached here.  According to the Tribune, “The eight aldermen who voted no: Ald. Robert Fioretti, 2nd; Ald. Roderick Sawyer, 6th; Ald. Michael Zalewski, 23rd; Ald. Michael Chandler, 24th; Ald. Rey Colon, 35th; Ald. Nicholas Sposato, 36th; Ald. Scott Waguespack, 32nd; Ald. John Arena, 45th. Ald. Toni Foulkes, 15th, was absent.”

Update 4 (Fri, 7:15AM): The Tribune has published a map that compares old and new boundaries and a story describing how the map came to be.  South Lakeview Neighbors remains in the 32nd ward.

Update 5 (Friday afternoon): Alderman Waugespack’s office has confirmed that the Tribune map is correct and that the text description of the ward (published yesterday) is incorrect.

Update 3 (Thurs, 5:04PM):  I just called Ald. Waugespack’s office.  They’re doing some digging and will get back to me.  As soon as I have authoritative word from the alderman, I’ll post it here. Continue reading

Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Holiday Party

Will’s Northwoods Inn
3030 N. Racine
6:30 PM 0 8:30 PM

  • Cocktails & Appetizers
  • More cocktails & appetizers
  • Liquor Basket Raffle
  • Spilt the Pot Raffle

FREE for all dues paying members, family, friends, advertisers and those wishing to join SLN.

Those attending the Party are asked to bring a canned food donation or cash/check contribution for the Lakeview Food Pantry located at St. Alphonsus and serving the residents in our immediate neighborhood.

What happened at the last meeting?

  • Congressman Mike Quigley came to SLN for a more in depth talk on Washington D.C happenings.
  • Commissioner John Fritchey talked about the Cook County budget, combining the County Clerk and Recorder of Deeds offices,  and plans to save money and free up to 80,000 hours of police resources by making 10 grams or less of marijuana a ticketable offense.
  • Friends of Burley School presented plans for a new community park.
  • The membership voted on whether the City should provide reserved, on-street parking for Zip Cars.

The next membership meeting will be February 14, 2012 at St. Alphonsus.

For more information, check the newsletter.