State Representative – John Fritchey, Democrat
SLN’s long-time State Rep and Democratic Ward Committeman will appear to discuss the State of Illinois political mess. Budget issues, Educational funding, Governor Blagojevich and other issues will be touched on. Mr. Fritchey always gives interesting viewpoints on the State’s political issues. Mr. Fritchey is retiring from the State legislature at the end of his current term. Mr. Fritchey is currently running for the Cook County Board position vacated by Forrest Claypool.
Republican Ward Committeman – John Curry
As an equal-opportunity neighborhood association, SLN has invited Mr. Curry to give the Republican point of view of local and State-wide issues. Mr. Curry has appeared before the SLN membership in previous years and often attends SLN meetings.
1325-41 W. Belmont – preliminary presentation and discussion of potential zoning change
A developer has approached Alderman Waguespack’s office for a development proposal for the above address. Those addresses are currently occupied by a mostly one-story medical building, the associated parking area and a Native American Art store. Information is in a raw presentation stage. The developer wishes to obtain feedback from the neighborhood before committing a large investment in architectural and legal zoning fees. The general plan is as follows : 1) 4 story medical building, 2) 78 indoor parking spaces, 3) proposed tenants are to be doctors associated with Northwestern University Hospital. To obtain the desired office spaces needed, the property will need to be zoned as a B2-5 commercial property. This development will be considered a Planned Development.
ISSUE : The NDRC committee is concerned that allowing that zoning to accommodate this project will set off an avalanche of similar requests on the 1200 and 1300 blocks of Belmont.