LAMP – Lakeview Area Master Plan as presented by the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce. St. Luke’s Memorial Hall March 15
1500 W. Belmont
7:00PM presentation starts
6:45PM mini SLN meeting before the presentation
Did you miss the February Aldermanic Forum? Read about what happened at that meeting, get an update on the Belmont Avenue medical office building, and news from South Lakeview in the March Newsletter.
Dear Neighbors,
Like most, I suspect, I’m a creature of habit and so I’ve programmed my handheld device for SLN’s meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month during the school year. But sometimes other events intervene and we have to fancy-foot to keep the ball rolling. This is one of those times as our long- time host, St. Alphonsus Church, needs its basement on March 8th for its Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) festivities. So, we have pushed the March meeting to the next Tuesday, the 15th. And to keep us on our toes, we have moved the location to St. Luke’s Church at Belmont and Greenview and will start before 7 pm so that we can learn about the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce’s master-plan for the area.