The next meeting of South Lakeview Neighbors will be April 12, 2011.
- Basement of St. Alphonsus Church
- 1429 W. Wellington
- 7:00 Cookies & Socializing
- 7:30
- Cubs Care
- 1300 Belmont Medical Center Update
- 2954 N. Racine Zoning Change
Each year the Chicago Cubs raise over $1.5 million dollars for Chicago Cubs Charities which helps to support local organizations and people in communities throughout the Chicago area. Several programs include Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI), Rehabilitation Institute cross-disability, competitive wheelchair softball team, Rookie League in partnership with the Park District to introduce baseball to 6-9 year old kids at no cost and Cubs Care Legends Fields at Hamlin Park that rebuilt the fields and installed an excellent lighting system in our own neighborhood park. A representative will give a presentation. For more information go to and go to the Community page. Hey Hey, Holy Mackerel, no doubt about it, the Cubs are on their way.
In order for the Chicago Zoning Board to approve this project, due to parking space issue, the property needs to be rezoned to a dash 5(-5) to be considered as Planned Development. The project still will be built to the 3-story specifications as allowed under the current zoning and presented at the special December 2010 meeting at St. Lukes. A representative of the developer and/or a representative from the Alderman‟s office will explain the mechanics. This is NOT A VOTING ISSUE. Go to the Alderman‟s Website at for additional information.
Back after WWI and WWII, when there were housing shortages in the city, many apartment units were cut into two smaller apartments. In addition, as the era of the neighborhood storefront ended, those storefronts were converted into apartment units. This three-story property has 10 apartments: 2 ground level storefronts and 4 front and back apartments on both floors #2 and #3. The building has been configured in this manner as long as anyone can remember. The building is zoned R-4 (which is really under-zoned). The new owners wish to rehab the current apartments keeping the same configuration and keeping them as rental units. In order to obtain a building permit, the Zoning Board has required the owner to upzone the property to R5.5 in order to make the storefront apartments legal. The SLN-NDRC would require a restrictive covenant rezoning back to R-4 after rehabbing is completed to prevent a large building to be built if this property was ever demolished. The NDRC is working with the owner to replace the surrounding sidewalk and improve the landscaping. This IS A VOTING ISSUE.
In the April Newsletter
What happened at the last meeting? We learned about the Lakeview Are Master Plan, as presented by the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce. Get updates from Alderman Waugespack, learn about the CAPS meeting, what’s happening with the South Lakeview Park Advisory Council, news from Burley Elementary School, and more! Read the newsletter here.