Date and Time: TUESDAY, September 18, 2012 (note date change to 3rd Tuesday)
Location: Basement – St.Alphonsus Church,1429 W. Wellington
Agenda :
7:00PM – Doors open
7:30 – Meeting begins
- Alderman Scott Waguespack
As has been SLN’s tradition since the Alderman Bernie Hansen term back in the 1990’s, the Ward Alderman will give a presentation relating to specific 32nd Ward and City-wide issues. The SLN area will be notified with 2,000 flyers. All members and SLN residents are invited to attend. Bring a neighbor. - New St. Alphonsus Pastor – Rev.Michael O’Connell
Father O’Connell will introduce himself to the SLN membership. As SLN landlord for more than 40 years and Lincoln/Belmont/Ashland anchor, St. Alphonsus, the SLN and the immediate neighborhood have an intertwined relationship. SLN welcomes Father O’Connell and wishes him a successful appointment. - 2900 Lincoln Ave – Parklet. Discussion and vote on success
Did you notice the tables and chairs and general sitting area constructed in the parking area on the east side of Lincoln Ave between the alley and the Golden Apple Restaurant? An open space experiment that some love. However some people don’t, like the idea due to the loss of street parking to those evil parking meter people who had to be compensated for lost revenue by putting up meters on the 3000 block of Ashland. How about safety when a car crashes into those sipping their coffee? A discussion of the project and a vote will occur at the September meeting.
What’s happened in the neighborhood over the summer? Find out in the September Newsletter.