The next South Lakeview Neighbors meeting is Tuesday, April 9. As usual, we will gather for coffee and chat at 7:00 PM in the basement of St. Alphonsus church, at 1429 Wellington. The meeting itself begins at 7:30 PM. Please invite your neighbors, particularly those with kids.
SLN Area Schools
Please welcome the following to our April meeting:
- Agassiz Elementary School represented by Mira Weber, Principal and Scott Fishman, President of the Friends of Agassiz Board of Directors
- Burley Elementary School represented by Catherine Plocher, Principal
- Prescott Elementary School represented by Jennifer Lister, Local School Council Chair
- Lake View High School represented by Lilith Werner, Principal
The elementary schools will talk about the their programs, admissions, and community orientation. Lake View High School will talk about their recent adaption of a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) curriculum and partnerships with Microsoft Corporation and DePaul University.
St. Alphonsus Octoberfest
When the Octoberfest Committee came to the March meeting, SLN was somewhat surprised by the announcement that Southport Ave. is planned to be closed. After discussion at the SLN Board meeting the following week, it was felt that the issue should be re-presented at the April Meeting with the membership and surrounding neighbors being alerted to the facts in advance for discussion purposes. See the write-up for the March meeting for details presented by the St. Alphonsus Octoberfest Committee.
This will be a voting issue and the results will be forwarded to the Alderman