Spring Clean-Up Project

Volunteers Wanted


Are you sick of the all the litter in our neighborhood?  In conjunction with Chicago’s Citywide Clean & Green Volunteer Clean-up, SLN is spearheading a clean-up project.

  • Date: April 20, Saturday
  • Time: 10AM – 5 minutes late start allowance
  • Where: the Block you live on
  • Goal: To pick up all paper, plastic, cigarette butts  or other man-made litter off our side streets and  have our neighborhood start clean for Spring 2013.
  • Equipment: You, your family, neighbors and friends. Garbage bag and maybe a pair of disposable plastic gloves (purchase at Pittsburgh Paint)
  • Meet:  at east end of your block (east-west streets) or north end (north-south streets).

Please email  South Lakeview Neighbors which block you will take. We will post the names of all the volunteers who cleaned up in the May newsletter. Feel free to email photos or clean-up stories for the website and Facebook.  Look out dirt, here we come.