Our next meeting will be in person
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Athenaeum Theatre
Doors open at 6:30 PM
Meeting begins at 7:00 PM
Face covering required per state guidelines. Mask up!
Alderman Waguespack – State of Ward/City presentation
In keeping with SLN’s September meeting tradition, the Alderman will be addressing the SLN membership on neighborhood, Ward and City-wide issues.
Election of Officers and Directors
Due to Covid-19 and the inability to meet in person, the Board did not present a slate for 2020-2021. This was common for Not-for-Profit Organizations during the Pandemic. A slate has been developed for the 2021-2022 season. Voting is to take place at the September 2021 meeting.
Here is the slate to be voted on for the 2021-2022 Term:
President: Bob Blitstein
1st Vice President: Sam Samatas
2nd Vice President: Fionn McManigal
Recording Secretary: Bill Haderlein
Treasurer: Ann Sychowski
Corresponding Secretary: Steve Stern
Directors: – Bob Taugner, Susan Radzinowicz, Ed Silverstein
New directors – Amy Walsh, Maria Bernardi, Mike Harring, Geoff Gass
Read more in the newsletter!
- The President’s Letter
- 2020-2021 Season Recap
- Bill Takes Another Walk Around the Neighborhood
- Neighborhood News and Information