Newsletter & Summer Party

Summer-2010-ClipArt7-HotDog-800pxSUMMER PARTY BASH
TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016

3030 N. RACINE
6:30 – 8:30PM


Free for all paid members, family and friends and those who live within the SLN boundaries and wish to join. Children are welcome.

What happened at the May meeting? Lots of stuff!

  • We voted on a bylaw change.
  • We voted  on a request for streetside seating for 404 Wine Bar
  • We heard about “Take Back Lakeview”
  • We heard about Left Coast Food & Juice
  • and lots more….

Read the Summer Newsletter

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May Meeting and Newsletter

The next meeting is Tuesday, May 10.

From a drawing in 'Memories of the Months', Hume Nisbet, 1889.

From a drawing in ‘Memories of the Months’, Hume Nisbet, 1889.

Where and when:
Athenaeum Theater
2936 N. Southport
6:30PM – Doors open
7:00 PM – Meeting begins


  1. 404 Wine Bar/DIAG street cafe permit for Southport.
  2. By-law change. No 60 day waiting period to vote
  3. Restaurant/business presentations:
    Left Coast Food & Juice
    Wine shop/small plate restaurant 2806 N. Racine
  4. Take Back Lakeview – Crime meeting results
  5. Election of Officers and Directors

404 Wine Bar/DIAG: Street Cafe Request

404 Wine Bar/DIAG will present plans for a street cafe to be located on Southport in front of the 404 Wine Bar and service patrons of that establishment. The immediate area will be flyered on the issue. This is a VOTING ISSUE. The results will be forwarded to the Alderman’s office.

By-law change: 60 day waiting period to vote at SLN meetings

Article III-Membership currently reads:
“To vote on any issue, other than a zoning change request, one must be a member for at least 60 days prior to voting.”

For clarification: a non-member resident living within one block of a zoning change issue can vote on that issue only.

The Board has voted to delete the 60 day waiting period, allowing a resident who meets all the age and residency requirements, including proof of residence and payment of membership fee, to able to vote immediately on all issues.

There will be a discussion and a membership vote. For this by-law amendment to pass, the vote must be by a 2/3 majority and a quorum (24) must be present.

Restaurant Presentations:

  1. Left Coast Food & Juice
    The owners will introduce their health-focused fast casual restaurant concept. Expected to open in Spring or early Summer. The restaurant is located at Lincoln and Lakewood on the former Muskie’s Hamburger site and the adjacent Cleaning 2000 dry cleaning business.
  2. Wine Shop / Restaurant – 2806 N. Racine
    Local business owner Meteo Ramos will present some conceptual ideas for a wine shop/restaurant he is considering at the above address. He is looking for neighborhood feedback before committing to the project.

“Taking Back Lakeview” – Neighborhood Crime

April 27 held at Athenaeum Theater

Ms. Elaine Osgood, who is Sales Manager for Big Onion tavern group that owns, among other bars, DAIG, took it on herself to organize an independent forum regarding fighting neighborhood crime in the Lakeview area. The meeting was held April 27 at The Athenaeum Theater. She promoted the event on Facebook. Ms. Osgood will present the ideas or results of that meeting to the SLN membership.

Election of Officer and Directors

Here is the slate to be voted on for the 2016-2017 term:

  • President: Sam Samatas
  • 1st Vice President: Bob Blitstein
  • 2nd Vice President: David Duggan
  • Recording Secretary: Bill Haderlein
  • Treasurer: Ann Sychowski
  • Corresponding Secretary: Steve Stern
  • Directors: Returning – Mark Anderson, Greg Brown, Amy Rosenwasser, Bob Taugner, Susan Radzinowicz and Michael Valitchka,

New Directors:

  • Jeff Heath
  • Fionn McManigal
  • Mike Salvatore

Candidates for all positions can be nominated from the floor.

In the newsletter,

  • What happened at the last meeting
    • Farm Bar Street Cafe
    • 3142 N. Racine Church Conversion
    • Estate Planning & Trusts
    • Business Intros
      • Beef & Barley
      • Punt & Plume
  • Restaurant Review: Beef & Barley

Read the May Newsletter


Posted in SLN

It’s April already? Newsletter and Meeting Announcement

Peileppe-3-flowers-300pxIt’s snowing and in the 30’s so it must be Spring in Chicago!

The next meeting of South Lakeview Neighbors is Tuesday, April 12, and it promises to be a full agenda
6:30 PM – Doors open
7:00 PM – Meeting begins


  1. Farm Bar Street Cafe Permit

  2. 3142 N. Racine-Church conversion Zoning change

  3. Estate Planning presentation

  4. Restaurant/business presentations :

  5. Beef & Barley (B&B) @ Wellington/Ashand

  6. Punt & Plume Wine Bar

Farm Bar Street Cafe Permit

Newly opened Farm Bar Restaurant @ 1300 W. Wellington has applied for an street cafe license to be located in front of the establishment on Wellington. As this is the initial application, the issue will be presented to the SLN membership and voted on. The immediate area will be flyered and non-members living near the issue will be able to express their views and vote on the issue.

3142 N. Racine – Church Conversion zoning change

Developers are proposing converting (not demolishing) the current building, which is a somewhat dilapidated Church that is being used on a sporadic basis.

The developer is seeking a zoning from C-1 (commercial) to B2-3. The plan is for 7 unit apartment configuration. There would be 2 indoor, 1 outdoor and 1 outdoor tandem parking spaces. The height or the footprint of the building would not be changed. THIS IS A VOTING ISSUE.

Estate Planning & Trusts Presentation

There will be a 10-15 minute presentation on Estate Planning and Trusts that will outline some of the common mistakes made with Estate Plans and Trusts that can undermine the intentions of estate-planning goals, cause havoc in court and result in higher taxes or lost assets. The presentation will be given by Mr. Correa, attorney at law.

Restaurant/business introductions :

Beef & Barley (B&B) @ Wellington/Ashland

Formerly Temple Bar. Management has rebranded this establishment to be more of restaurant than a bar. Seating is more intimate with more 2 or 4 person high tables. The menu has been totally changed and the previous sports bar mentality is gone. Management will present the operational changes to the membership

Punt & Plume – 1324 W. Wrightwood

Newly opened establishment specializing in fine wines, craft spirits, local small batch brews and cigars. Owners will describe the operations and supply some samples of wine and food.

What happened at the March meeting? It’s in the April newsletter. Click here to read it.

Posted in SLN

Public Meeting: Lincoln Ashland Belmont Reconstruction

Selection_003The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), together with the office of Alderman Tunney, Alderman Waguespack, and Alderman Pawar invite you to participate in a public meeting for the Lincoln Ashland Belmont Reconstruction Project. During this meeting we will present a project overview as well as proposed streetscape and placemaking design concepts. The goals of the project are to upgrade transportation infrastructure, increase safety, enhance walkability, and make improvements to the Lincoln Ashland Belmont intersection in support of transit, cycling and overall economic development of the surrounding area.


Tuesday March 29, 2016
6:00 – 7:30 PM

St. Luke Church, Memorial Hall
1500 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago IL 60657
(At the corner of Belmont and Greenview)

If you need special assistance, including an
interpreter or other accommodations, please