Spring Clean-Up Project

Volunteers Wanted


Are you sick of the all the litter in our neighborhood?  In conjunction with Chicago’s Citywide Clean & Green Volunteer Clean-up, SLN is spearheading a clean-up project.

  • Date: April 20, Saturday
  • Time: 10AM – 5 minutes late start allowance
  • Where: the Block you live on
  • Goal: To pick up all paper, plastic, cigarette butts  or other man-made litter off our side streets and  have our neighborhood start clean for Spring 2013.
  • Equipment: You, your family, neighbors and friends. Garbage bag and maybe a pair of disposable plastic gloves (purchase at Pittsburgh Paint)
  • Meet:  at east end of your block (east-west streets) or north end (north-south streets).

Please email  South Lakeview Neighbors which block you will take. We will post the names of all the volunteers who cleaned up in the May newsletter. Feel free to email photos or clean-up stories for the website and Facebook.  Look out dirt, here we come.

April Meeting Preview

Lakeview High School (1957). Image courtesy of The Chuck Man Collection.

The next South Lakeview Neighbors meeting is Tuesday, April 9. As usual, we will gather for coffee and chat at 7:00 PM in the basement of St. Alphonsus church, at 1429 Wellington. The meeting itself begins at 7:30 PM. Please invite your neighbors, particularly those with kids.

SLN Area Schools

Please welcome the following to our April meeting:

  • Agassiz Elementary School represented by Mira Weber, Principal and Scott Fishman, President of the Friends of Agassiz Board of Directors
  • Burley Elementary School represented by Catherine Plocher, Principal
  • Prescott Elementary School represented by Jennifer Lister, Local School Council Chair
  • Lake View High School represented by Lilith Werner, Principal

The elementary schools will talk about the their programs, admissions, and community orientation. Lake View High School will talk about their recent adaption of a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) curriculum and partnerships with Microsoft Corporation and DePaul University.

St. Alphonsus Octoberfest

When the Octoberfest Committee came to the March meeting, SLN was somewhat surprised by the announcement that Southport Ave. is planned to be closed. After discussion at the SLN Board meeting the following week, it was felt that the issue should be re-presented at the April Meeting with the membership and surrounding neighbors being alerted to the facts in advance for discussion purposes. See the write-up for the March meeting for details presented by the St. Alphonsus Octoberfest Committee.

This will be a voting issue and the results will be forwarded to the Alderman

“Keepin It Real” Burglary Workshop

All citizens are invited to the “Keepin It Real” Burglary Workshop hosted by the 19th District Community Policing Office. At this workshop you will hear an in-depth discussion on burglary awareness and prevention from a a panel of professional burglars.

Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Time: 7pm – 9PM

Location: Illinois Masonic Medical Center
Olson Auditorium
836 W. Wellington


 For more information, contact the 19th District Community Policing Office
312-744-0064 or CAPS019district@chicagopolice.org

March Meeting and Newsletter

The next South Lakeview Neighbors meeting is Tuesday, March 12. As usual, we will gather for coffee and chat at 7:00 PM in the basement of St. Alphonsus church, at 1429 Wellington. The meeting itself begins at 7:30 PM.

On the agenda this month:

District 19 Commander Voulgaris

Commander Voulgaris is the new commander of the Town Hall District that was combined with the former Belmont District. The District now encompasses the area between Lawrence to Fullerton and from the Lake to the Chicago River on the west. The operations are run out of the new police station on Addison just west of Halsted. The Commander has contacted various groups to introduce himself and meet the residents and will be appearing at the March meeting. This is the first time in almost 20 years that the standing Commander has reached out to meet personally with neighborhood groups. Show your appreciation by attending this month’s meeting.

The Midwest Native Garden

Charlotte Adelman, author of The Midwest Native Garden, will give a presentation on the subject. Topics may include native plant suggestions, growing requirements, attraction of birds, and reduction of pesticides and water usage.

Ms. Adelman’s book has been positively reviewed by The National Gardener and Audubon Magazine and will be available for purchase.

St. Alphonsus Octoberfest

It is never too early to plan. The Octoberfest Committee has requested a few minutes to gauge the feelings of the neighborhood and to reveal plans for this Fall. Gemutlikeit.

At the February meeting

The appointed developer Lathrop Community Partners (LCP) and the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) presented the current three versions for redevelopment of the property to the SLN membership and to a large contingent of Lathrop residents, community activists, internet news reporters and men in great looking suits.  Read more in the newsletter.

Several nearby residents spoke favorably about the rezoning of 1248 W. George, citing the cooperation of the owner with concerns the neighbors had over the size of the original proposals and elimination of the business zoning which will preclude any business (bar, restaurant, night club) from ever occupying this site. 100% of the nearby residents were in favor of the project. A hand vote was taken of members and those flyered. In favor, YES=35, against NO=0 ABSTAIN=2. Read more in the newsletter.

Also in the newsletter

  • Chitown Jazz Festival Performance to benefit  Lakeview Food Pantry
  • Burley Community Garden
  • Hamlin Park fundaiser

Future Meeting Plans

  • April 9, 2013 – principals representing neighborhood elementary and high schools and the educational opportunities that are offered.
  • May 14, 2013 – Culture in Your Neighborhood with representatives from SLN neighborhood theaters The Athenenaeum, Stage 773 and Theatre Wit.