October Meeting & Newsletter

I’m not sure how it happened, but it’s October already. The new newsletter is hot off the presses.

Our October meeting is Tuesday, October 15.

6:30 PM- Member socializing
7:00PM – Meeting begins


  • State Rep- Ann Williams
  • Cook County Commissioner Bridget Degnen
  • Lakeview High School – Principal presentation
  • 311 System – Modernization Plan

State Representative – Ann Williams
With a Democrat now in the Governor’s mansion and the legislative grid-lock opened up somewhat, but still no money, Ms. Williams has been busy in Springfield. She may talk on the some of the following topics:
Fair Tax Proposal
Recreational Cannabis
Balanced Budget
Capital Funding for Infrastructure and Schools
Clean and Renewable Energy
Data Privacy and Transparency

Cook County Commissioner – Bridget Degnen
Now with almost a year under her belt, Ms. Degnen has requested to appear before the SLN membership for an update on the Cook County Board operations. Ms. Degnan is currently the Vice Chair on the Rules Committee and the Environment and Sustainability Committee

Lakeview High School
Principal Paul “PJ” Karafiol will update us on the scholastics and activities at our neighborhood school Lakeview High School. Did you know that Lakeview won the CPS City Baseball Championship the last two years?

311 System – Modernization
Great News. The City is revamping the 311 system. The City has partnered with the William Everett Group to speak to and listen to residents and businesses about the changes. They have requested to appear at the October meeting. Bring it on.

At the September meeting…

New President Bob Blitstein welcomed everyone.

Alderman Scott Waguespack talked about the state of the ward and the state of the city. There’s a lot to that, so please check the detailed summary in the newsletter.

There was a vote on the proposal to redevelop the two lots at 1514-18 W. Diversey. The membership voted “no” by 32 to 24. Please check the detailed summary in the newsletter.

Burley School Principal, Ms. Catherine Plocher, updated us on the state of Burley.

We hope to see you all at the October meeting on the 15th. Save time in line and renew your membership now.

September News, September Newsletter

Our next meeting is

Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Athenaeum Theatre, 2936 N. Southport
6:30 PM – Member socializing
7:00 PM – Meeting begins


  1. Alderman Scott Waguespack: State of the Ward
  2. 1514-1518 W. Diversey new building proposal
  3. Burley School Principal on the upcoming school year

Alderman Waguespack: In keeping with a long-time SLN tradition, the sitting Alderman is invited to speak at the SLN September meeting. Alderman Waguespack will be appearing for his 11 th year. What is different about this year? Since being elected, Alderman Waguespack has presented himself as an independent battling Mayor’s Daley and Emmanuel and The Chicago Way of politics. He was normally one of the few casting “No” votes against the machine. The Alderman was the main supporter of now Mayor Lori Lightfoot and has replaced disgraced Alderman Edward Burke as the Chairman of the Finance Committee. So, the roles have been switched. Come out and see what should be an insightful talk.

1514-18 W. Diversey Parkway: This property has two older frame buildings on the back of each lot which are connected by a balcony. As of the newsletter deadline, the final concept has not been received by SLN’s Neighborhood Development & Review Committee (NDRC). The NDRC has rejected a previous proposal for a 6 Unit condominium building. This will be a voting issue. The immediate area will be flyered.

Burley School Principal – Ms. Catherine Plocher: Long-time Burley Principal Catherine Plocher will update us on the upcoming school year, repairs and renovations that took place over the Summer and issues regarding the school’s future capacity.

And in the newsletter….

  • A recap of the 2018-2019 SLN season
  • Meet Bob Blitstein, the new SLN President
  • The summer party
  • A walk around the neighborhood
    • Diag closed
    • Construction resumes at the funeral home site
    • More coffee!
    • and more
  • CAPS news
  • Breakfast House review

Read the September Newsletter

Summertime, and the living is easy…

We’re in that nice part of spring when we look forward summer, when it it’s nice but not too hot, things are still green, fall seems so far away.  Winter is coming, but not now. What a good time for a Summer Get-Together for SLN members.

Tuesday, July 9
Will’s Northwoods Inn: 6:30PM to 8:30PM

  • SLN invites all members, family and friends to the Annual Outdoor Summer Party. Meet and greet fellow members and SLN neighbors.
  • Free for all paid members, family and friends.
  • NEW MEMBERS: join SLN at the Party and enjoy the festivities. Children, babies and grandparents are encouraged and welcome.
  • FOOD: Hot dogs, cheeseburgers, plus chef wild card items

In the newsletter

  • Greetings from Bob Blitstein, the new President of South Lakeview Neighbors
  • Info from Congressman Quigley’s office on Senior and Social Security issues
  • Cubs neighborhood relations
  • Info on the Farm Bar request for extended sidewalk cafe hours
  • A walk through Lakeview history with Victor Guistino
  • Report from State Rep Ann Williams on recent happenings in Springpatch.
  • and so much more…

Read the newsletter!

May meeting, Election of Officers and Directors

Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 14

Athenaeum Theatre
2936 N.S outhport
6:30PM, Member Socializing
7:00PM, Meeting Begins


  • State Rep Ann Williams to report on Springfield issues
    Our State Rep. Ann Williams has been busy down in Springfield with the new Governor and all. So she wanted to let us know what is going on before SLN breaks for the Summer. She will be sending her Chief of Staff Emily Melbye to update us on the legislation.
  • Chicago Cubs neighborhood relations
    The Cubs have finally moved above .500, so Heather Way-Kitzes, Manager of Cubs Neighborhood Relations feels it safe to come out to discuss what’s happening at Wrigley Field and Gallagher Way this year and to describe some of the charity activities that the Cubs are involved with in the immediate neighborhood.
  • Congressman Quigley’s office on senior, social security, and medicare issues
    Elli Song, who handles senior, social security and medicare issues for the Congressman’s office will give a brief talk and be able to meet with SLN
  • Discussion re: Extension of Farm Bar sidewalk cafe hours
    Current hours: Mon – Fri from 5 pm – 9 pm and Sat & Sun from 11 am – 9 pm
    New hours: Mon – Fri from 11 am – 10 pm and Sat & Sun from 10 am – 10 pm
  • Victor Giustino, neighborhood historian
    Victor gave an interesting bullet-point performance at last year’s May meeting, so we have asked him back for 15 minutes of obscure Lakeview, Chicago and Illinois historical facts. Victor is still a frequent contributor on various Chicago talk radio programs.
  • Election of Officers and Directors
    Here is the slate to be voted on for the 2019-2020 Term:
    President: Bob Blitstein (new)
    1st Vice President: Sam Samatas
    2nd Vice President: Fionn McManigal
    Recording Secretary: Bill Haderlein
    Treasurer: Ann Sychowski
    Corresponding Secretary: Steve Stern
    Directors: – David Duggan, Bob Taugner, Susan Radzinowicz, Harvey Levin, Caty Norman-Burke, Ed Siverstein
    New directors – still working on at press time
    Candidates for all positions can be nominated from the floor.

Read more in the May newsletter.