Meeting Notice: March 14, 2017 / March Newsletter

Meeting Preview

Athenaeum Theater
2936 N. Southport

6:30 PM – Doors open
7:00 PM – Meeting begins


  1. 19th District Police Commander Mark Buslik – presentation and question and answer session.

  2. Herdegan Funeral Home and 3015 N. Southport – revised plans

Presentation #1 – 19th District Commander Marc Buslik Introduction

SLN President Sam Samatas has been a long-time CAPS attendee and liaison between SLN and the 19th District Police Department. Upon Sam’s request, the new 19th District Commander Marc Buslik will attend the March meeting for his introduction to the neighborhood, a strategy discussion and a question and answer session.

It is preferred that you submit questions in advance so the Commander can prepare more pin-point responses.

14th District Commander Marc Buslik

  • 35-year CPD veteran

  • Captain for 14 years

  • Elected President of the Captains Association in 2014

  • Career began as a police officer in the 25th Grand Central District

  • Assignments have included patrolman, data processing, internal affairs and organized crime

  • Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice with a minor in computer science and a Master’s in Public Administration

  • Currently completing his doctorate at UIC, working on a dissertation regarding police accountability

  • Teaching at Oakton Community College for over 20 years in information systems

Presentation #2 for Herdegan Funeral Home @ 1356 WW. Wellington and 3015 N. Southport parking lot – Zoning change

The Developers have absorbed comments from SLN’s NDRC and the membership from the February meeting. They will present updated plans. This will again be a voting issue. More information is contained in the “What Happened at the February Meeting” and “A Few Words from Our President” sections of the newsletter.


It’s a particularly good issue, chock full of information you need to know. Be sure to read it!

Questions for the Commander: March 14, 2017

Commander Marc Buslik

At the March 14 meeting, Commander Marc Buslik will discuss police activities in the 19th District.  We expect this to be a busy and well attended meeting, so we’d like to collect some questions in advance, especially if they might require some prior research on his part.

If you have questions, please use the comments on this post. We’ll try to organize them thematically, merge duplicates, and use them to make the meeting run more smoothly.  Of course, we will reserve time for questions from the audience, too.

See you on the 14th.

Happy Valentine’s Day (and Meeting Notice and Newsletter)

Meeting Preview

Athenaeum Theater
2936 N. Southport

6:30 PM – Doors open
7:00 PM – Meeting begins


  1. Zoning change – 3015 N. Southport (parking lot behind Herdegan Funeral Home)

  2. 32nd Ward update: Recycling Ordinance / bag tax / water tax and other issues

  3. Valentine’s Day Raffle

3015 N. Southport – Zoning change

Click to Enlarge

This is the Herdegan Funeral Home parking lot north of the alley. Zoned commercial B-2-3. The owners are looking for a zoning upgrade in order to build a 5 story building. No commercial/retail on the first floor. 9 units of rental or condo units on floors 2-3-4. 15 parking spots in the back and 6 parking spots along the alley at ground level. The building would be 4 feet higher than the condo building directly to the north.

This is a voting issue. The immediate area will be flyered.

32 Ward Office to speak on Several Topics

Paul Sajovec, Alderman Waguespack’s Chief of Staff, and Pedro Borrero, 32nd Ward Streets and San., will address the membership on a variety of new 2017 issues affecting our fine citizens including but not limited to:

  • New Recycling Ordinance

  • Bag tax

  • Water tax

  • Property taxes (enough with the taxes)

  • Arrest expungement

  • Decriminalization of marijuana

Valentine’s Day

This is not the first time that the 2nd Tuesday of the month has fallen on Valentine’s Day. However, it appears to me that most of the people at the meetings are either unattached or their wife does not care to spend quality neighborhood time with their husband who dresses like bum. So come to the February meeting, have a pre-meeting drink, keep your eyes and ears open and you may find yourself closing the Lincoln Tap at 2AM and calling into work sick on Wednesday.

Free raffle of a bottle of wine for attendees at the Valentine’s Day meeting.


What happened at the January meeting? What’s up in the neighborhood? What did our reviewer think about his meal at Farm Bar?  Yes, it’s all in the February newsletter!

Education Forum: January Special Meeting

Education Choice Forum – Open to All

Benjamin Franklin once said “An investment in education pays the best interest.” It follows that the better the education the better interest results. With this in mind the South Lakeview Neighbors organization is presenting principals from 5 top area CPS schools –

  • Burley,
  • Jahn,
  • Agassiz,
  • Prescott and
  • Lakeview H. S.

All of these schools have boundaries that include parts of South Lakeview Neighbors as well as the greater Lakeview area. Local parents, including those beyond immediate area or who plan on moving into the area, with current or future school age children will have the opportunity to listen, ask and get answers to questions regarding the fine educational opportunities at these schools. This is a rare opportunity to get personal input into one of the most important decisions that a parent can make – where and how their children get educated in their formative years.

This meeting is open to everyone with an interest in the schools in our community. Please invite your friends who might consider schools in our neighborhood, whether members or not, whether they live here now or now.

Feel free to make a small “investment” of about an hour and half on Tuesday Jan 10, 7pm at the Athenaeum Theater, 2936 N Southport. Doors and lobby bar open at 6:30pm.


View the January newsletter.