3114 Southport ZBA Hearing & Neigborhood Clean-Up Day

3114 N. Southport Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing

Are you wondering what is going on with 3114 N. Southport?

The owner of that building has been trying to expand its capacity beyond the zoning for years, which is why it looks the way it does now. The frequent attempts at rehabbing the building have been shut down by the city for various reasons including doing construction without a permit.

Now, the owner or developer is going before the Zoning Board of Appeals to legitimize their actions. If you’d like to attend the meeting, it will be on Friday April 25 at 2pm at 121 N. LaSalle, room 200.

2nd Annual South Lakeview Neighbors Block Clean-up

Once again, South Lakeview Neighbors is asking its members to help clean up our neighborhood. Saturday, April 26 is the official Citywide Clean and Green Day. SLN is organizing our 2nd paper litter clean-up. Simply volunteer to pick up paper litter and the hundreds of cigarette butts on your block only.


  • SATURDAY – 4/26/14 at 10:00 AM,in conjunction with the City of Chicago Clean-up
  • Location – your Block only.
  • Start at east end of block
  • Purpose – pick up paper litter, cigarette butts, solid city trash, etc.. No sweeping.
  • Equipment needed – trash bag and maybe some disposable vinyl gloves (available at Sherwin Williams on Ashland)

Contact Bill Haderlein at chicagolanddeck@rcn.com or 773-348-4516 (Chicagoland Deck) to let us know that you are covering your block.

And afterwards, SLN will sponsor a gathering

  • Meet your fellow cleaner-uppers for some free drinks sponsored by SLN
  • Meet at the Temple Bar – Ashland & Wellington 12PM NOON


Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 8

Location : Basement-St.Alphonsus Church, 1429 W. Wellington
7:00PM – Doors open
7:30PM – Meeting begins

This month’s meeting is like recording a TV program that you must see and waiting for a month before your viewing. Two of the Featured Speakers for the March Meeting were sick and have rescheduled for this Month.

Download the April newsletter.


Mr. John McDermott, Housing and Land Use Director of the Logan Square Neighborhood Association will present the latest version to the membership. Mr. McDermott previously met with SLN’s NDRC and spent several hours discussing the current plan. The NDRC is in unanimous support of the plan. Alderman Waguespack also supports this proposal.

The purpose of this presentation is a member vote to determine if the neighborhood supports the plan. Issues to be voted on are: (1) the need for a high rise building, (2) the percentage of preservation of the historic structures, and (3) the mix of affordable/market rate housing.

All paid SLN members are eligible to vote. In addition, all residents in the SLN boundaries will be eligible to vote for this issue. Proof of membership or residency will be verified. The results of this vote will be forwarded to the Alderman’s office.

Mr. Paul Ragano, chief instructor at Diversified Professionals is an NRA-certified hand gun instructor. He will go over the new law and the educational and training requirements to qualify to carry a concealed weapon.

What happened at the March meeting?

It’s in the April newsletter.  Continue reading for some highlights of the newsletter!

SLN Committes and Directorships

NOMINATING COMMITTEE and Election of Officers and Directors

The SLN bylaws require a slate to be presented at the May membership meeting. Any member interested in serving on this committee or recommending a member can contact the Nominating Committee Chairman Sam Samatas at ssamatas@gmail.com.

Volunteers for Officer or Director 2014-2015

If you wish to get more directly involved in the neighborhood issues, feel free to volunteer to serve on the SLN Board. The SLN Board is mainly responsible for setting the membership meeting agendas. However, normal monthly Board meetings can involve discussions and decisions on zoning and development issues, crime issues, political issues and general life improvement issues of the neighborhood that do not get to the general membership meeting. The SLN Board is the direct liaison and sounding board of our elected official and their staffs including the Alderman, State Rep and Senator, U.S. Congress and many times in the past, the Mayor of Chicago. If you wish to get more involved with a group that has been functioning for over 40 years, contact Nominating Committee Chairman Sam Samatas at ssamatas@gmail.com.

Upcoming CAPS meetings

  • Beat 1933 – east of Lincoln Ave and west of Racine Next meeting is Tuesday, April 8th at Illinois Masonic Hospital, 836 W. Wellington, 7th floor auditorium at 7:00PM.
  • Beat 1932 – east of Ashland and west of Lincoln Next meeting is Monday, April 14th at New Life Church, 1110 W. Lill at 7PM.
  • Beat 1931 – east of Ravenswood & west of Ashland Next meeting is Wednesday, April 16th at the 2452 W. Belmont Police Auditorium at 7:00PM.
  • Dates/times may change and you can call the office at 312-744-0064 with questions.

Commander Voulgaris wants all to know that he can be contacted directly on his email and he will return your message. Email him at elias.voulgaris@chicagopolice.org. Remember 911 for emergencies, 311 for non-emergencies.

SLN Neighborhood Clean-up and Get Together

Saturday, April 26 is the official Citywide Clean and Green Day. SLN is organizing our 2nd paper litter clean-up. Simply volunteer to pick up paper litter and the hundreds of cigarette butts on your block only. All you need is a garbage bag and your hands. I like to wear disposable vinyl gloves which you can purchase at Sherwin Williams on Ashland.

Contact Bill Haderlein at chicagolanddeck@rcn.com to let us know which block you are attacking.

  • Start time : 10AM Saturday morning.
  • Meet at east end of your block
  • Timing – takes about 1 hour

POST CLEAN-UP GET TOGETHER @ Noon:After cleaning up, meet at The Side Street Saloon (George & Greenview) at NOON for a complimentary bloody mary or drink or two of your choice. We need to celebrate our volunteerism. Sponsored by the South Lakeview Neighbors.

What have we left out of this email?

There’s more in the April newsletter:

  • A review of the Red Hot Ranch
  • St. Alphonsus’ Famous Fish Fry
  • SLN Block Captain program
  • Hop Around The Shops for dog rescue
  • Cody’s:  One of Chiago’s best dive bars
  • 404 Wine Bar sidewalk cafe debate
  • May meeting preview:  Congresssman Mike Quigley
  • and more!

Weekend (March 28-30) Closure of Ashland Avenue

The bridge over the 1800 block of North Ashland Avenue will be removed this weekend (March 28-30) causing a total closure of Ashland Avenue.

    • For the March 28-30 removal, Ashland Ave (1600W) will be closed to all traffic and parking between North Ave (1600N) and Armitage (2000N) during this work period, with vehicle, #9 CTA bus and pedestrian detours. Metra service and parking will not be impacted. The route for the Armitage Ave CTA #73 bus will not be impacted. Crews will set up Friday night, with work continuing overnight until complete. Ashland will reopen no later than 5 a.m. Monday, March 31, 2014. While a 48-hour work period has been estimated, the street may be opened sooner if work is completed ahead of schedule. While this move will require overnight work, it is not anticipated to be as loud as work at Western or at Milwaukee, as no pneumatic devices are required.
    • Crews will assess the Ashland bridge once it is removed, and – barring unforeseen issues – the bridge will be moved into place at Western the weekend of April 18-20. The bridge will be moved on special equipment south on Ashland Avenue, west on North Avenue, and north into place at Western Avenue. Final plans for the move will be announced following the bridge assessment.

Neighbors will always find the coming week’s construction schedule at The 606 website under News for Neighbors. Use the link at the website to join The 606 email list for construction and other updates. Call (773) 661-9172 with construction-related questions or concerns, and someone will return your call. To find a relocated car, please call 311.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 11

Location : Basement-St.Alphonsus Church, 1429 W. Wellington
7:00PM – Doors open
7:30PM – Meeting begins


  1. Concealed Gun Carry Law – what are the facts
    Mr. Paul Ragano, chief instructor at Diversified Professionals is an NRA-certified hand gun instructor. He will go over the new law and the educational and training requirements to qualify to carry a concealed weapon.
  2. Lathrop Homes development update
    This will be 3rd visit to SLN regarding this major real estate development subject (11/2012 and 2/2013). Mr. John McDermott, Housing and Land Use Director of the Logan Square Neighborhood Association will provide an update on the project. The sticking issues are the proposed 17 story high rise at the south end of the project and financing for the developers. Mr. McDermott spoke originally in November 2012 to SLN and is not part of the development group.
  3. 404 Wine Bar (DIAG) street cafe
    You may recognize the presenters on this issue. The 404 Wine Bar is the subsidiary establishment of DIAG (Southport & George) located at the south end of the establishment. It is its own little section with a different menu and ambience. The owners have submitted a Sidewalk Cafe Application to Alderman Waguespack’s office. The Alderman has asked for for discussion and a vote from SLN. The proposal is for 4 tables and capacity of 16, on the Southport Ave curbside.

What happened at the February meeting?  It’s in the March newsletter.