Lincoln Avenue Placemaking Project Open House May 28

lvchamberThe Lakeview Chamber of Commerce and SSA 27 are hosting a public open house meeting to share plans for a placemaking project that seeks to make Lincoln Avenue between Diversey and Belmont a more attractive place to visit and do business. Please stop by any time during the open house to learn more about plans for new landscaping, seating and pedestrian improvements.

Public Open House
Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Heritage Littles, 2868 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL

Questions? Contact Lee Crandell,, 773.472.7171.

Read more about the Lincoln Avenue Beautification Project

Report those potholes!

Selection_001If you’ve ever called 311, you know that’s a fairly frustrating experience . It’s easy to report potholes, sewer collapses, graffiti, rodents, health code violations, and the other wonders of urban life without calling anyone.

The Chicago Works app for Android and iOS takes the time-consuming element out of the reporting.

Get the app here

Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 13 — Congressman Mike Quigley


Photo Credit: WikiPedia

Time & Place:
Basement, St. Alphonsus Church
1429 W. Wellington
7:00PM – Doors open
7:30PM – Meeting begins

1. U.S. Congressman Michael Quigley
2. Election of Officers and Directors
3. Attendance Raffle

Congressman Mike Quigley – 5th District
The Congressman is normally in Washington D.C. during the 2nd Tuesday of the month. In January, his District Scheduler, Melanie Thompson contacted SLN and let us know that there was no Congressional session scheduled for May 2014 and the Congressman was interested in speaking before the SLN membership. The date was locked in and the Congressman will make his first appearance as the featured Speaker at an SLN meeting.

Most recently, Congressman Quigley traveled to Ukraine with a bipartisan delegation to assess the effect of ongoing U.S. efforts to support Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression following the illegal annexation of Crimea.

Election of Officers and Directors
The SLN bylaws require and election of Officers and Directors at the May meeting.  See the May newsletter for information about the slate from the Nominating Committee.

Attendance Raffle
We’ve been selling raffle tickets to those in attendance at meetings. It all comes together at this meeting.  Who will be the lucky member?

What happened at the April Meeting?
It’s all in the May Newsletter.  If you’re not already on the email distribution for the newsletter, sign up now.

Update: 3114 N. Southport hearing

From the May Newsletter:

3114 N. Southport

3114 N. Southport

Mr. Duggan and several neighbors attended the April 25 hearing. In classic Chicago politics, they were informed that the issue had been postponed because the owner’s lawyer, Sara Barnes, was on vacation in Miami. Mr. Duggan objected to the postponement, noting that objecting neighbors had rearranged their schedules and otherwise been inconvenienced by this hearing. Despite the objection, the chairperson granted the rescheduling of the issue to May 16, 2PM in City Council chambers.   

Update (posted 5/21/14):

Per the ZBA website,

151-14-Z Zoning District: RS-3 Ward: 32

  • Applicant: 3114 N. Southport, LLC
  • Represented By: Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks
  • Owner: same as applicant
  • Premises Affected: 3114 North Southport Avenue
  • Subject: Application for a variation to reduce the north side yard setback from 2’ to 0.5’; to reduce the combined side yard setback from 4.8’ to 2.75’; to reduce the rear yard setback from 37.5’ to 33.92’; to reduce the rear yard open space from 900 square feet to 203 square feet; to exceed the existing height of 31.25’ by not more than 10% to 33.71’; and, to exceed the existing floor area of 4,466.4 square feet by not more than 15% to 5,081.1 square feet for the proposed conversion of the existing 2.5-story, five-unit building into a three-story, four-unit building with three surface parking spaces.

Approved; resolution pending