Proposed Bylaw Changes

This post was updated October 24, 2021 to include latest changes.

This document shows the changes proposed by the Officers and Board of Directors to the current SLN bylaws as updated April 15, 2015.

Most of the edits are to clean up and update language, to remove specific dates for various functions, and make things work better in a remote-meeting environment. Also, we removed one officer position, and better defined the term “Board of Directors”.

The Officers and Board plan to offer this for a vote at the November, 2021 meeting.

September 7 Meeting and Newsletter

face mask on blue background
Photo by Anna Shvets on

Our next meeting will be in person

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Athenaeum Theatre

Doors open at 6:30 PM
Meeting begins at 7:00 PM

Face covering required per state guidelines. Mask up!


Alderman Waguespack – State of Ward/City presentation
In keeping with SLN’s September meeting tradition, the Alderman will be addressing the SLN membership on neighborhood, Ward and City-wide issues.

Election of Officers and Directors
Due to Covid-19 and the inability to meet in person, the Board did not present a slate for 2020-2021. This was common for Not-for-Profit Organizations during the Pandemic. A slate has been developed for the 2021-2022 season. Voting is to take place at the September 2021 meeting.

Here is the slate to be voted on for the 2021-2022 Term:
President: Bob Blitstein
1st Vice President: Sam Samatas
2nd Vice President: Fionn McManigal
Recording Secretary: Bill Haderlein
Treasurer: Ann Sychowski
Corresponding Secretary: Steve Stern
Directors: – Bob Taugner, Susan Radzinowicz, Ed Silverstein
New directors – Amy Walsh, Maria Bernardi, Mike Harring, Geoff Gass

Read more in the newsletter!

  • The President’s Letter
  • 2020-2021 Season Recap
  • Bill Takes Another Walk Around the Neighborhood
  • Neighborhood News and Information
Posted in SLN

Save the Date: Tuesday, September 7

“In these uncertain times…”

The next meeting of South Lakeview Neighbors is scheduled for the first Tuesday in September, September 7. Doors open at 6:30 and the meeting starts at 7:00 PM.

At this time, we plan on meeting in person in the large theater space at the Athenaeum Theatre. That will provide plenty of space for people to spread out.  Due to scheduling conflicts for that space, it’s likely that our meetings through the rest of 2021 will be on the FIRST Tuesday of the month rather than the second.

If there is guidance from the city or state that would require this to be a Zoom meeting, we’ll send out connection info.

  1. As is traditional, our first meeting of the SLN year features Alderman Scott Waguespack’s “State of the Ward” presentation.  If you have questions for the Alderman that might require some research on his part, please email them to us at and we’ll forward them to him.
  2. At the September 7 meeting, we’ll also be distributing proposed changes in the SLN bylaws (in both marked-up and final formats) for a vote by the membership at a subsequent meeting.
  3. If the meeting is in person, we’ll also hold a vote for officers and directors.  If not, we’ll continue to defer that until the organization’s first in-person meeting.  The slate of candidates will be included in the next newsletter, in process now and to be mailed soon.

Keep an eye on our Facebook group and our website at for updates.

Please renew your membership!  Only members may vote.  

Posted in SLN

Summer 2021

It sure looks like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. At the time of this post, vaccination in the U.S. has crossed the 50% mark. With that in mind, we’re planning on a return to in-person meetings in the fall. Our first is scheduled for September 7, 2021 at the Athenaeum Theatre. Nothing’s final yet. The one item on that agenda, so far, will be a vote for SLN’s officers and directors, which requires a secret ballot. Watch this space for more as it develops. You’ll also note that the meeting date is the first, not second, Tuesday of the month.

At the May, 2021 meeting (the audio and chat log of which is available), Cook County Commissioner Bridget Degnan brought us up to date on developments in county government. The main focus of the May meeting was a discussion and vote on the development of 18 single family homes on currently vacant land at Wolfram and Paulina. You’ll find details of the proposal and the results of the vote in our Summer Newsletter.

Have a great summer. Please read the Newsletter, remember to renew your SLN membership, and don”t forget to support our advertisers.

Posted in SLN