See you at the Summer Party! Read the Summer Newsletter!

SLN invites all members, family and friends to the Annual Summer Shindig.

Meet fellow members and neighbors!

  • DATE: Tuesday, July 11, 2017
  • PLACE: Will’s Northwoods Inn @ 3030 N. Racine
  • TIME: 6:30PM-8:30PM
  • LOCATION: in the outside Beer Garden. Rain or shine.
  • PRICE: Free for all paid members, family and friends and those who live within the SLN boundaries and wish to join. Children and all babies are encouraged and welcome.
  • FOOD: Hot dogs, cheeseburgers, plus chef wild card items

This is the date of the MLB All-Star game so there should be no real parking or transportation issues.



Glad you asked!  Download it here.

Thanks to Ann Gruber from Ashland Lock & Home Security for an interesting presentation (really!) on what it takes to really lock a door and secure our dwellings.

Thanks to Bob and Gina Hartwig and new general manager Ian McFarlin from Bakin’ and Eggs to talk about the changes coming to that establishment.

As always, thanks to Heather Ways Kitzes from the Cubs, who told us of the latest Cubs doings for the neighborhood (but somehow forgot to bring the championship trophy along with her).

We’d also like to thank Congressman Mike Quigely, who stopped by the May meeting to report on that day’s doings in Washington. Mr. Quigley is a member of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Should we change how the newsletter is distributed?

We’ve been re-thinking how we distribute the newsletter… let us know your thoughts. Our initial ideas:

  1. Publish sections (President’s letter, neighborhood news, last meeting info, upcoming agenda) on a weekly basis, on Facebook and on our website.
  2. Get the “what happened at the meeting” up within a week after the meeting.
  3. Put together the “traditional” newsletter as a single document, post on the website and via snail mail (to those members not on the email list) and distribute a week before the meeting.


  1. Ads — SLN is pretty much financed by the ads in the newsletter. How would you feel about ad placement on the website and on the Faceoook group page?
  2. Fatigue — is this too much, not enough, or just right?

Comments?  Please reply here or on Facebook.

The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra-la!

The May Meeting

TUESDAY, May 9, 2017
6:30PM – Member socializing
7:00PM – Meeting begins


  1. Ashland Lock – Home Security
  2. New restaurant presentations
    • Bakin’ & Eggs (new manager)
    • The Diplomat
  3. Chicago Cubs – Neighborhood Operational Update
  4. Election of Officers and Directors

In more detail…

Ashland Lock & Security Solutions Ashland Lock is a leading provider of integrated security solutions right here in the area. They are an Illinois-licensed hardware and security contractor and certified woman-owned business. They will make a presentation for simple and complex home security solutions.

Restaurant Presentations Bakin’ & Eggs’, located on 3000 Lincoln, new manager will present some menu changes being implemented at the restaurant The Diplomat Cafe on the 3100 block of Lincoln is now open. The owners will present its Southeast European/Georgian cuisine.

Chicago Cubs – Neighborhood Operational Update Heather Way Kitzes, Manager of Government & Neighborhood Relations Chicago Cubs, and former Executive President of Lakeview Chamber of Commerce, will give us an update and answer questions on everything regarding the team, park and concerts.

Election of Officer and Directors Here is the slate to be voted on for the 2017-2018 term:

President: Sam Samatas
1st Vice President: Bob Blitstein
2nd Vice President: Fionn McManigal
Recording Secretary: Bill Haderlein
Treasurer: Ann Sychowski
Corresponding Secretary: Steve Stern
Directors: – David Duggan, Michael Valitchka, Greg Brown, Amy Rosenwasser, Bob Taugner, Susan Radzinowicz and Mike Salvatore

Candidates for all positions can be nominated from the floor.


What happened at the last meeting? What’s the scoop with the Farm Bar’s patio seating?  When should you call 911? What’s happening in the neighborhood?  What are current real estate prices? As you might suspect, it’s all in the May Newsletter.


Posted in SLN

April 11 Meeting / April Newsletter

April Showers

Next meeting


6:30PM – Member socializing
7:00PM – Meeting begins


  • Sgt Mary Hein from CPD’s Community Relations Strategy
  • Farm Bar – street cafe application

Sgt. Mary Hein for CPD’s Community Relations Strategy

Sgt Hein had previously introduced herself to the membership at the September 2016 meeting when she took over that position for the 19th District. She now returns to discuss neighborhood crime issues and tactical matters being taken by the 19th District.

Farm Bar – Street Cafe Permit (2nd attempt)

Farm Bar is coming back for its second attempt to establish an outdoor cafe on Wellington. In Spring 2016, Farm Bar’s application was strongly contested by some of the nearby neighbors, with the potential nighttime noise affecting their urban quality of life being the main issue. The vote at that time was 35 in favor and 20 opposed. However, Alderman Waguespack denied the permit based on the residential street location.

The current application still has 18 seats, though 26 would be allowed. Farm Bar is going to move up the closing time from 10:00PM to 9:00PM on the weekends and staying at 9:00PM during the week.

This is a voting issue. A one block radius surrounding the Farm Bar will be flyered by SLN.

At the last meeting, (from the newsletter)

Funeral Home Redevelopment at Wellington/ Southport. Last month the membership approved the most recent version from Springbank 6 Corners – mix use with commercial and 7 apts/condos on Wellington and parking and seven condos on Southport. This was the result of three NDRC iterations involving materials, design and alley/parking changes and two advisory membership votes. Our goal was to save and highlight the architecture of the existing building. This development review is currently with our Alderman Scott Waguespack who has legal decision authority. If you live in the immediate area and have an opinion on this design feel free to contact his office. He welcomes nearby neighbor input. More details are elsewhere in the newsletter.

We also heard from Police District 19 Commander Marc Buslick. Based on his background it is obvious that he is experienced, adroit, data driven and believes in police accountability at all levels. Using all of these attributes he is making positive strategic changes in policing the district.

Read more in the April Newsletter — and be sure to go through the ads.  Please let our advertisers know that you saw their ad in the newsletter. Those ads help support South Lakeview Neighbors.

South Lakeview Playlot – Advisory Council / Committee

SLN is looking for individuals to plan and operate the Summer Programs or Events that have been put on over the years at the South Lakeview Playlot located at Wolfram and Lakewood. The prior regime has ended their involvement with the Playlot. Funds for programs are available to fund the events from the South Lakeview Neighbors.

Please contact us at

Posted in SLN